when I hear about having a sound mind, I think about just taking a second and chilling out in my head. Sarajayne -- what is your deal and why are you freaking out about something you have absolutely no control over? This is something I have to work on e v e r y single day.
As Jon Foreman sings, "Why do I worry, why do I freak out? God knows what I need, You know what I need". If you have never heard of this guy, he is pretty awesome, def recommend if you need a lil bit more Jesus lovin', inspirational music.
anyways, as I was saying... sound mind.. We are called to have a mind like Christ... that's a toughy especially when we are fighting the flesh allll the time. But you can't fail when you are trying to truly live a life like Christ -- whenever I am in a pickle I try and think about what my friend Jesus would do, yea the good ol' wwjd, and it sums it up pretty well. Whether I am willing to do it or not is where the fight against the flesh comes in by a matter of "wanting" to do it. Sometimes just DOING what you know is the right thing instead of steeping in thought about it and totally psyching yourself out. For example, how many times have you walked and saw garbage on the ground when a garbage can is in sight and you KNOW the right thing to do is to pick it up but you are too busy analysing and over thinking about picking it up that by the time you act, it's "too late" and you are already past it so O WELL.. yea, I am trying to break out of the habit of doing that... and not just with picking up garbage....but in like everyday life. Letting the Spirit lead is something I have definitely been learning how to do. Sounds horrible right.. I have been of Christian spirituality for a very long time and I am still fighting, and I will always be fighting. That is why it is called "taking up our Cross DAILY". Fighting our sinful nature and living and loving like Jesus.
The beautiful thing about surrendering and letting God lead is that it takes no thought... If I just lett'r go and let God, the task has been done and you are left with being in awe about how God just used YOU! And you never know when it is gonna happen! So stop stressing about whether you changed that person because YOU tried to, it is not of the self but of the Holy Spirit within you. Instead, when you go into a situation and you have the slightest hint that this is an opportunity for God to move someone -- let it be of His will and not your own. Pride is all too common in us and must be done away. Dying to self.
so when you find yourself getting all tied up in your circumstances and trying to figure out every solution in your mind while you are starting to actually feel it exploding in your brain -- that is not a good sign and you should probably stop hurting yourself.... and umm -- that is what it is like to not have a sound mind. So having 'sound mind' as part of my title is kind of just a reminder to me, every time I read it -- have I let go and let God?
YEP, because my mind is at ease.
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