Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I have been reading lots these days. I mostly pick up a book when my mind is getting too much for me, which has become very common lately. I just take it as though God is journeying me through a season of sifting. Sifting being compared to that of what people do when they are looking for gold. "the process of separating or filtering the good from the bad, the desirable from the undesirable". A time of reflection and constant maturing. My mind is being renewed daily and it is sooooo awesome. But with great awesomeness comes a lot of energy spent in the process. I find myself getting exhausted by thought. It's cool though, I take it as God caring so much for me that He wants me to grow in Him....daily, and I mean DAILY. Sometimes it is hard to turn off, but it is time well spent.

Through all of this sifting, I have had to train my thoughts into the mentality of being content no matter what the circumstances. "Contentment is a daily struggle, It is something we learn by adhering to the basics - cultivating a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, living daily, and knowing that Christ strengthens us for every challenge" This contentment I am talking about is accepting God's sovereign control over all of life's circumstances. I get such a great peace when I read this.

That really is what being content is about. Remaining in freedom with joy and peace within, through even the ickiest parts of life. Especially when we don't get what is going on around us and feel so trapped by the circumstances, feeling like no one understands. "Contentment is a matter of trust. If we really trust God- if we really believe He loves us and has our best interests in mind- when things fall apart around us, things don't have to fall apart inside us. Contentment is trusting God even when things seem out of control"

 (ps all of these quotes are from the book I am absolutely loving, The Glorious Journey, Charles Stanley)

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